About Work Trends
Labour Market Trends
Labour market trends factor into learning and career choices. Learn how our economy, technology and global change will affect you and your future work.
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A Guide to the BC Economy and Labour Market
For the career planner and job seeker, this site provides an overview of BC’s economy, the changing industry scene and future directions. It focuses on provincial industries with an emphasis on their human resource side. Included are trends in the workforce, industry sector, occupations, earnings, job locations and employment outlook.
Making Career Sense of Labour Market Information
This resource introduces career practitioners to key socio-economic and labour market concepts, trends and issues. It also provides practical examples of researching labour market information to make effective career decisions in the changing labour market. Includes information on occupations, training options, and education and skills required for the new economy.
Ministry of Advanced Education – Career and Labour Market Information
This website links to a variety of products and information, including information for students, job seekers, business and employers, program planners and career practitioners. It also provides access to socioeconomic research and analysis as well as historical reports and publications related to post-secondary education and the labour market. www.aved.gov.bc.ca/labourmarketinfo/welcome.htm
BC WorkInfoNet
This site provides an on-line, one stop access to career, learning and employment information for career practitioners, young people and adult job-seekers in BC. It contains links to over 1500 labour market related websites, job listings, a work search tutorial, a career events calendar and a practitioner listserv that will help British Columbians prepare for, obtain and keep employment. Disponible en français aussi.
BC Stats
BC Stats site features information on BC population, the economy, labour force, employment and earnings. Additional information is available for selected industry sectors, development regions, regional districts and other geographies. Quick Facts About BC provides a ready reference on BC and its economy.
For Canada-wide social, economic, labour market and related statistics and information, visit the Statistics Canada web site at: www.statcan.ca/start.html
Service Canada – Labour Market Information (LMI)
The LMI site is your one-stop access point to regional and local labour market information from across Canada. The site features information on: job descriptions, skill requirements, employment prospects, wages and salaries, lists of potential employers and where to get training. In addition, the site also provides information on the local economy and general labour market trends as well as industry information and major news flashes or events for various local communities across Canada. Disponible en français aussi.
Small Business BC
Small Business BC, in partnership with the public and private sectors, provides comprehensive information services on all business-related topics pertinent to entrepreneurs who are starting and growing their businesses. Services include: affordable business seminars, monthly e-newsletter with tips on how to start and operate a business, customized market research reports, information on funding/financing, research library and business regulatory/legal issues. Disponible en français aussi.